Preparing to Enter the Castle: Foundational Practice Building


 ~ Next Session begins October 16, 2024 ~

Wednesday mornings: 10 - 11:30am EST

Six weekly Zoom sessions

Six participants maximum

Registration is Open

In The Interior Castle, Saint Teresa of Ávila teaches us that the entryway to our interior castle (soul) is prayer and meditation. Often, I am told by people that want to learn how to pray and meditate that they just do not know where to start. They ask me “How do I pray? How do I meditate? Where does one even begin?”

 In response to these questions, I have a created a six-week journey that introduces the foundations of prayer, meditation, and contemplation from the perspective of the Christian Mystics.

We will focus on the practices of Lectio Divina, Prayer, Meditation, Contemplation, and Imaginative Prayer.

The intention is to introduce these foundational practices in a tranquil, safe, and supportive container, to help all participants set up a daily practice with confidence and purpose! We will also strive to find a deeper understanding of why all these methods of prayer are important, effective, and so consistently taught by the mystics.

To prepare for this contemplative journey, participants would benefit from reading the first few chapters of The Interior Castle before we begin, and be prepared to engage in weekly readings, guided meditations, contemplations, and journaling practices (approximately 20 minutes a day) and a weekly class.

This course is open to anyone with a sincere desire to enter their interior world to learn and experience the benefit of these practices.

The next session begins October 16, 2024. We will meet from 10-11:30 a.m. EST, on Wednesday mornings, once a week for six weeks on Zoom. Please do not hesitate to contact me at leigh@leighamurray.com for details, or to answer questions.

Investment: $225 USD


What participants are saying about Preparing to Enter the Castle with Leigh

“Leigh created the 'Preparing to Enter the Castle" spirituality class to introduce us to the basic elements of prayer, meditation, contemplation, lectio divina and scripture. She did a masterful job curating so many wonderful materials, including guided meditation audio that helped us build our daily practices. The sessions she created were safe, tranquil, and open and her encouragement made the experience both transformative and deeply meaningful. It was an amazing experience and I hope that many more people will benefit from her knowledge and what she has created.”

- A. Steel

May tonight there be peace within.
May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.
May you use those gifts that you have received and pass on the love that has been given to you.
May you be content knowing you are a child of God.
Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise, and love.
It is there for each and every one of us.
— Saint Teres of Ávila