My Journey


After a spontaneous awakening in 2016 …

I found myself placed on the spiritual path with a steep hill to climb toward understanding. As years of solitude, practice and study unfolded, my soul’s purpose became clearer, and I decided to follow a deep call to serve as a spiritual director. 

It is now my privilege to accompany sincere seekers, from any spiritual path, on their interior journey to know themselves and God. I offer all who come, sacred space and deep listening that supports intimacy with the Divine.

I trained as a contemplative spiritual director at the Kairos Spiritual Direction program in Lancaster, PA. I lead meditation and contemplation retreats that support Christian and Buddhist traditions. 

I have a particular interest in esoteric teachings and mysticism. For those who feel a calling to go inward, I offer experiential journeys into the teachings of Saint Teresa of Ávila. This past year, my interest in the teachings of the Christian Mystics expanded as I developed a foundational practice course for those that want to begin a spiritual practice, as well as a wildly esoteric course on the upper mansions as described in The Interior Castle. It has been a year of spiraling into the process of understanding how important daily practice is and finding ways to communicate how to begin to others. It has also been deeply nourishing exploring the mystical mansions that St. Teresa describes so richly in her teachings. The curriculum is developed now and just requires time and sincere seekers to dive into the process with me!

This past year I also completed the St. Raphaela Center (Havertown, PA) nine-month practicum, directing a retreatant in the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola and completed all required coursework for the Certificate in 19th Annotation Retreat Practicum. This means that I have studied and been trained by experts in how to direct the Exercises. This practicum may have been one of the most important experiences in my own development, as it brought together so many different aspects of spiritual direction work through writing and intimate mentorship. The layers of healing and integration that occur during the Exercises have become even more visible to me this year. The privilege of directing someone through the Exercises is one that is precious and illuminating.

Working with the teachings of St. Ignatius, in particular, his direction on Imaginative Prayer and the use of the spiritual senses, were areas of deep contemplation and writing in the practicum process. I have incorporated these new understandings into the Christian Mystics foundations practice program. The St. Ignatius work has also deepened the use of imagination in the meditations I offer in the St. Teresa work. At some point, I would like to offer programs that support the practice of Imaginative Prayer more intimately.

I have done so much writing that it now seems appropriate to offer a contemplations section on my website. Writing has become such a big part of my own inner process I have decided to share my personal writings with you. May it benefit and inspire your own inner work. These contemplations are an ongoing practice in being vulnerable and sharing my heart.

To ensure integrity and clarity as I engage with others, I remain in supervised spiritual direction and have expanded that to include direct mentorship and peer-supervision as well. As time goes on, I realize over and over again how important it is to do the work oneself in order to remain free to direct others from a place of spaciousness and compassion. I continue to enjoy working with my mentors from a variety of spiritual streams including modern masters of yogic philosophy and ancient practices.

This fall I look forward to serving as a visiting Spiritual Director at a number of churches and retreat centers in the Philadelphia area. The years of practice and study are finally allowing me the chance to be out in the community serving in a way that is meaningful. I have been dreaming of offering myself to the world in this way, with Spirit, for quite some time.

What others say about spiritual direction with Leigh

“Leigh has experienced some of the mystical experiences Saint Teresa describes in The Interior Castle. I found this brought great authenticity to our contemplative journey... In addition, Leigh is wise, gentle, loving, and skilled in facilitating sharing sessions. The materials she has created are very helpful in guiding the participants. And finally, it's a joy to spend time with Leigh as her love of the Divine One permeates all she does.” – S.C.

“My 1:1 time with Leigh during The Interior Castle journey was a treasure. She can hold space in a loving and supportive way that encourages you forward each week. Her down-to-earth personality makes her and this work relatable and accessible as we all try to navigate living in a modern and often chaotic world." - J.C.

“I highly recommend The Interior Castle: A Contemplative Journey for the intermediate/advanced practitioner. I have been working with spiritual directors for several years and have participated in several techniques of prayer, meditation, and contemplation. It was important to have this experience to get the most out of my journey.  Leigh is a compassionate and intuitive guide. She accompanies you through each mansion weekly. The course is thoughtfully prepared and graciously executed.” - L.H.

“I have always known about my spirituality, but Leigh has guided me in giving birth to the many possibilities of my inner experience. Through her, I have learned that theology and spirituality are entirely different. Theology is connected to organized religion. Spirituality allows me to directly enter the center of my soul. Through Leigh’s guidance, I have been able to take this journey into the soul. I am thankful for her tender and loving guidance. It is an amazing journey.” - J.C.
